small groups and bible studies

House Groups

We meet in groups of 10–12 in people’s homes to build community and share the experience of the Christian journey with one another. For more information, check out our house groups page.

Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study

The Friday Morning Bible Study group meets on Friday mornings from September through May from 10a to 11:30a via Zoom and is open to women of all ages. For more information, contact Ann McCarthy.

Saturday Men’s Morning Prayer

On Saturday mornings, the men of All Souls gather in the Nave for Morning Prayer, using the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. For more information, contact Doug Zimmerman.

Hands for Souls

Hands for Souls meets on the last Monday of the month for prayers, working hands, and conversation, as we make comfort items for our members in need. Knit, sew, crochet, learn, and pray — all skill levels are welcome. For more information, check out our Hands for Souls page.

Film Nights

Meets several times each year to view a film and discuss it afterward. Popcorn provided and/or bring your own drinks and snacks. Contact Micah Clark for the next date or to suggest a film.

Book Gatherings

Meets occasionally to discuss a book and the faith issues it poses. Contact Dcn. Mary Baker to find out more or to suggest a book.