Care Ministries
Do you have a prayer request that you would like the All Souls Prayer Chain to pray for?
Would you like to set up a time to connect with a clergy member or intercessory prayer volunteer for prayer?
Please email, and we will pray with you. Complete confidentiality and caring are assured.
Care at All Souls happens in a variety of ways, from meals after surgery to the comfort of a prayer shawl. If you would like to receive care or would like to join one of the following ministries caring for the Souls, please email
Soul Food is a support ministry that makes and delivers meals during times of need.
Stephen Ministry provides trained lay people to walk alongside those who are experiencing difficulties, such as grief, divorce, job loss, or illness. We offer confidential, nonjudgmental care for however long it may be needed.
Hands for Souls knits and crochets prayer shawls. The group meets on the fourth Monday of the month; yarn, materials, and patterns are available. Novices and experts are welcome!
Through the Roof Ministry provides support for those who need help accessing the building or the services we have here.
Do you have any other concerns or needs not specifically laid out here or an unexpected, emergent financial need? Email, and we will see what we can do to help.