visitor center
find us
We’re located at 25W741 Jewell Rd. in Wheaton, Illinois (click for map). Our church is on the south side of Jewell Rd between Gary Ave and Pleasant Hill Rd. We make every effort to provide ample parking for visitors. If our lot is full, please park along Willow Rd or Silverleaf Blvd.
what to expect
Where to go?
Park in the parking lot. Enter from the front porch. Upstairs is our Nave, where worship services are held. The Nursery and other children’s programs, coat racks, and restrooms are downstairs.
We have a ramp from the parking lot and chair lifts to the upstairs and the downstairs. The ushers will be glad to answer any questions or assist you with any special needs, including navigating our stairs. Please contact Care Ministries if you have specific accessibility questions.
You’re welcome here.
There’s no dress code. Some of our parishioners express their reverence for God by dressing in their Sunday best while others, intending no irreverence, dress quite casually. Wear whatever you find comfortable. Whatever you wear, please remember to silence your mobile phone before the service begins so that you don’t become the accidental center of attention.
What are worship services like?
If our formal liturgical worship is new to you, don’t stress. Just sit, stand, or kneel when everyone else does. Any other gestures or responses are purely optional. Everything you need to know about the order of service is printed in your bulletin. You will never be singled out or called on to do anything during the worship service.
What about Communion?
The ushers will dismiss rows to come forward. All baptized Christians, including children, who repent of their sins and seek to live in love, charity, and peace with their neighbors are welcome to receive the bread, the cup, or both. We receive the bread in our hands and guide the cup to our mouths by holding the bottom rim. We do not intinct, or dip, the bread in the cup. Any who wish not to receive the Sacrament may come to the altar rail with arms crossed to receive a blessing. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.
All Souls 101
If you’re looking for more info about what we do in our services, check out our All Souls 101 flyer. It’s a great tutorial for the curious newcomer.
After the service, please join us for Fellowship. We’d love to meet you. Feel free to fill out a Newcomers card in the pew rack.
Most events at All Souls have concurrent children’s programming. Sunday worship services have simultaneous children’s programming. Children who are age 3+ will be brought into the Nave to rejoin their parents for Communion. We encourage parents to go downstairs to gather their infants and toddlers at the beginning of Communion to bring them to the altar.