children’s ministry
* Note: ages as of September 1.
8.45a — birth through age* 2
10.00a — birth through age* 3
11.00a — birth through age* 2
All Souls’ Nursery provides a nurturing environment where our youngest children can feel safe and become comfortable being at church with their families. During the worship service, we sing songs and tell one of God’s stories. Providing Nursery care provides the parents of our youngest the opportunity to learn and worship with the peace of mind that their children are safe and content.
For parents making use of the Nursery during the services, we encourage you to come and collect your little one so that you may all receive Holy Communion or a blessing as a family.
Please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Kristin Frost, for more information:
kristin.k.frost@gmail.comsunday school
10.00a — age* 4 through grade 5
Sunday School is an opportunity for children to explore the stories of the Bible and learn the basics of the Christian faith at an age-appropriate level. There are three Sunday School classes:
- The Pre-K/K class follows the Jesus Storybook Bible (by Sally Lloyd-Jones).
- The 1st–3rd graders learn about the Old Testament. Teachers use The Bible Story Handbook (by John H. Walton & Kim Walton) as a resource.
- The 4th & 5th graders learn about the New Testament. Emphasis is placed on the children reading and engaging with Scripture read directly from the Bible, and discussing how individual passages can be understood in light of the larger story of salvation.
In all of our Sunday School classes, emphasis is placed on what God reveals to us about who He is and how we are invited into a deeper relationship with our triune God. Sunday School takes place most Sundays during the school year during the Education & Formation Hour between the two services. Please see our calendar.
Please contact our Sunday School Coordinator, Sienna Urbanski, for more information:
8.45a & 11.00a — ages* 3–4
This age-appropriate worship time is music-based and surrounds a series of core biblical stories from Young Children & Worship (by Sonja Stewart & Gerome Berryman).
Sprouts runs concurrently with each worship service. Children join their families upstairs for Holy Communion.
Please contact our Sprouts Coordinator, Heather Marshall, for more information:
hjblanch@gmail.comchildren’s worship
8.45a & 11.00a — grades K–3
Children’s Worship allows our younger grade school children the opportunity to worship by listening and responding to God’s stories, and by developing a life of prayer. Catechists lead children using Bible stories from Following Jesus (by Sonja Stewart), and invite the children to participate in an abbreviated Anglican liturgy to prepare them to join the full service in the Nave starting in 4th grade.
Children’s Worship runs concurrently with each worship service. Children join their families upstairs for Holy Communion.
Please contact our Children’s Worship Coordinator, Hannah Bramsen, for more information:
hannahbkr7@gmail.com4th & 5th grade club (treehouse)
Sunday 6.30–8.00p during the school year
Treehouse is on Sunday evenings during the school year, and provides our older elementary children an opportunity to gather for food, fun, and conversations about the Kingdom of God. We end our evening by sharing Evening Prayer together.
Please contact our Treehouse Coordinator, Sarah Cornwell, for more information: