Touching Jesus Robe

an introduction to Stephen Ministry from Galen Dalrymple

She hides in the crowd, trying to remain invisible and unnoticed. She is depressed and ashamed. She doesn’t want anyone to know her secret. Yet her deep despair stirred something within her – a desire to get better – so she mustered her courage and sought help one more time. We know her as the woman with the bleeding problem that had struggled with her invisible plight for twelve years. (Luke 8:43-48)

After twelve years, one might have given up hope. After twelve years, she was desperate. After twelve LONG years, she perhaps felt this was her last chance. So, she did what she could and she mustered the courage to come forward and touch the robe of the Master and – glory to God! – she instantly was healed and was at peace, for perhaps the first time in twelve years. 

Her malady was unseen. Her agony was too. Her healing may never have happened if she’d not chosen to take that first step toward the one who could help. 

Perhaps you are struggling with some life problem now. You may have been able to cover it up and hide it by putting on a brave face. You may not have shared your burden with anyone. But it’s not getting better. It may be that you need to find the courage to seek help, too, in order to find healing. 

That’s what Stephen Ministry is all about. We’re here and ready to help. We aren’t cure-givers – that’s Jesus’ job – but we are care-givers. Your one-on-one conversations with your Stephen Minister will remain strictly confidential as you work through your struggle and challenges. We can only help if you take that first step and make your need known.

We’d love to help. Contact Joy Unger, our Stephen Minister referrals coordinator, if you are ready.