All Souls Clergy

Father James Arcadi has served at churches and taught theology at seminaries. James also writes at the intersection of theology, biblical studies, and philosophy. He and his wife, Alli, have three kids (Dominic, Clare, and Simeon) and a dog (Bean). As a native Californian who spent a decade in Boston, he is still getting used to the lack of salt in that big body of water to the east of Wheaton.

Father Rob Lewis and his wife, Tammy, moved to Wheaton from Connecticut in 2010, and began attending All Souls in 2011. They were happy to be able to gradually assimilate until they became part of the fabric of the All Souls community, which Rob now serves as a priest. Rob is a Nashotah House grad and has worked in many fields, including pastoring, marketing, and writing. Tammy recently celebrated her 30th work anniversary with Waste Management. Both Rob and Tammy enjoy celebrating life with friends around the dinner table.

Deacon Mary Baker and her husband Rich joined All Souls in 2007, and are the parents of six children and five grandchildren. As Pastor for Community Formation, Mary directs the Souls Together House Group ministry. She primarily sees her role as finding creative and sustaining ways to incorporate the classic Christian disciplines into our life together at All Souls. Mary holds a PhD in Theological Studies from Trinity International University. She teaches classes in Christian formation and history, and theology.

Father P. Paul Snezek and his wife, Janet, have lived in Wheaton for over fifty years. Paul worked at Wheaton College as the Director of Learning Resources, and retired in 2003 as Associate Professor Emeritus. Paul & Janet are blessed with three children and ten grandchildren. They were some of the founders of All Souls. Paul received Holy Orders in 2008, and retired as Associate Rector Emeritus in 2016.

The Community of St Mary is the first Anglican religious Order in the United States, founded in 1865. Mother Miriam has been the Mother Superior of the Community of St Mary (CSM), Eastern Province, since 1996. She made her life vows in 1983 and worked in the administration of the CSM’s St Mary’s Hospital and Health System for Children while completing her Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at Fordham University in 1995.
Mother Miriam completed a Master’s in Sacred Theology (STM) through Nashotah House’s intensive program, designed for working priests and dedicated Christian laity, while continuing her leadership as Mother in Greenwich, NY. Hers is a love for the exercise of the mind in Christ.
Mother Miriam visits All Souls several times each year, offering opportunities for worship, prayer, instruction, and spiritual direction, while also helping the Souls become more acquainted with the Anglican expression of monasticism.