2024 Vestry Nominees

Adam Wood is a life-long Anglican, and has attended All Souls since 2012, when he took a job teaching philosophy at Wheaton College. Sometimes he preaches, but more often holds babies in the Nursery. He’s married to Caris, and their children are Gus, Cate, Abe and Sophie. He likes cultivating vegetables and native plants, wandering in wildernesses, flyfishing and triathlons.

Henny Leonard first attended All Souls in 2011 with her husband Jim. Soon after, they were confirmed in the Anglican faith. They are house group leaders and have served in Children’s Worship. Henny has also served as a mentor, taken meals to people in need, and she volunteers in the nursery. Henny is a trained and certified spiritual director. A former special education teacher with a grad degree in counseling, she has a special interest in those areas, and a love for connecting with and encouraging people. She loves daily walks and bike rides on the prairie paths and is always up for taking a walk with a friend. She also enjoys sewing, reading, and time with her 4 children and 15 grandchildren.

Jim Bolton has attended All Souls from the beginning of the church in 2004. All Souls has been an important community for Jim and his family, a source of fellowship and support. Recently retired from a career in publishing, Jim now has time to pursue other interests including serving at All Souls as a way of giving back to this community.