All Souls Payment Request Form

Instructions for download, completion, and submittal:

  1. DOWNLOAD the form.
  2. Open the fillable PDF. If you use Adobe Acrobat Reader, the expense lines will self-calculate.
  3. Complete the form. “Budget Category codes are referenced on page two.
  4. Sign the form electronically.
  5. Save the form. Keep a copy for your reference.
  6. Attach these items to an email to the Ministry Director(s) for the budget areas for which you are requesting reimbursement:
    • completed Payment Request Form
    • image(s) of receipt(s) (scan or photo)
  7. Copy the Finance Team on the email so they can track the request and approval process.
  8. Ministry Director(s), please do the following:
    • electronically sign the form
    • forward the email and attachments to the Finance Team
  9. If you are aware that an expense on the Payment Request Form is beyond the category’s annual budget, please also obtain a Warden’s signature via email as well.

If you are purchasing items on behalf of All Souls, please use the tax exempt letter, and please do not request reimbursement for sales tax. If you need a copy of the tax exempt letter, please contact the Finance Team.

Please contact the Finance Team with questions about the process.