Our twenty-fifth Jesse Tree post. Each day of Advent + Christmas Day, Seasons for Souls will share a post about that day’s Jesse Tree ornament. Ornament the baby in a manger Story The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:1-10 + John 3:16-17 Readers The Schroeder Family Print (right click to copy + paste into a document)

Jesse Tree: Angels Proclaiming the Coming of Christ
Our twenty-fourth Jesse Tree post. Each day of Advent + Christmas Day, Seasons for Souls will share a post about that day’s Jesse Tree ornament. Ornament an angel Story Angels Proclaiming the Coming of Christ: Hebrews 1:14 + Luke 2:8-14 + Romans 6:23 Readers The Zimmerman Family Print (right click to copy + paste into […]
Jesse Tree Project
Click each link for the daily Advent Jesse Tree Post.