
the sign of the cross

a liturgical note from Fr James Arcadi What? A bodily gesture that expresses that we belong to God Why? As Christians we stand under the sign of the cross. Baseball players wear a logo on their hat, some gangs have hand signs, some countries or clubs have other gestures to show allegiance. Our sign of […]

The Feast of Perpetua & Felicitas: March 7

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator In Lent, we remember our bodies are a place where we can encounter the Lord. We see differently, with a new crucifix and different colors around the nave. We hear differently, with more silence in worship and a crotalus (the wooden knocker) instead of bells. […]

The Feast of Santa Lucia: December 13

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator Lucia of Syracuse (c. 283-304 ACE) was born into a wealthy family, bestowed with beauty and a winning personality. Her advantages could have led to an easy life, but her faith in Christ compelled Lucia to choose differently. She lived in danger because the Roman […]

The Feast of St. Nicholas: December 6

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator St Nicholas’s secret distribution of gifts has captured our imaginations for nearly 1,700 years. Nicholas lived in the late 200s to the mid 300s ACE. His hometown, Myra (now Demre in Turkey) was in the Roman Empire in his lifetime. After he took holy orders, […]

Not so ordinary.

a liturgical note from Deacon Mary Baker You may have noticed that our liturgical colors have changed to green. Green is the seasonal color for the church season called Ordinary Time. Like me you might associate ordinary with boring, but this is not the case here!  Ordinary. Not ordinary. The word ordinary does not refer […]

Come pray with the Souls.

a liturgical note from Deacon Mary Baker In the summer of 2020, when meeting together was still not possible due to the pandemic, we began Morning Prayer on Zoom on Wednesday mornings at 7:30a. The times were dire, and the church was in upheaval. We encouraged those who could not join us on Zoom to […]

What is a verger?

a liturgical note from Brad Cathey for Bruce Knowlton and Mark Tader, your vergers Have you ever wondered who the person is, dressed in all black, that leads our processions with a stick, swings incense, and assists at the altar? If you’ve come from non-liturgical backgrounds, and are new to All Souls, you might not […]

The Feast of the Ascension

a liturgical note from Fr James Arcadi After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God…as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. Acts 1: 3 & 8 There […]

What prayer book does All Souls use and why?

a liturgical note from Deacon Mary Baker In November of 2019, All Souls was received into the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. During the next several months, we learned that the Diocese strongly recommended parishes use the (then brand-new) Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) Book of Common Prayer (BCP). Doing so creates unity among ACNA […]

What season of the church are we in?

a liturgical note from Deacon Mary Baker Today you may have noticed that our vestments and altar colors have turned from white to  green, which symbolizes that our season of Epiphany has ended and the pre-Lenten season has begun. As this is an in-between season — between Epiphany and Lent — it comes under the […]