Holy Week
This year we will once again slow down to walk with Jesus in real-time through our Holy Week services.
march 24 palm sunday
Palm Sunday Holy Communion | 8.30a and 10.45a
Holy Week begins with a remembrance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and a reading of the Passion Gospel in which the whole story of Holy Week is anticipated. Children’s programming will be available at both services through 3rd grade.
march 27 holy wednesday
Tenebrae | 7.30p
The tradition of this service dates back to at least the Middle Ages. It is dark, it is quiet, it is contemplative, as we hear lament Psalms and readings from Lamentations. This service is stark: no Holy Communion, no music, no sermon. This service will be about 45 minutes without childcare.
march 28 maundy thursday
Maundy Thursday Service | 7.00p
We will gather to receive a foot washing and “commemorate the Lord’s example of servant ministry, the institution of the Eucharist, the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal leading to the crucifixion.” (BCP 2019, 559). This year we will welcome our Anglican neighbors, Church of the Great Shepherd, to join us for this service. This service will be about an hour and all ages are welcome to participate.
After the service there will be an opportunity to observe an hour-long prayer watch inside the nave, as the altar is stripped and the space is prepared for Good Friday.
march 29 good friday
Stations of the Cross | 12.00n
Our Nave transports us to Jerusalem as we follow the Via Dolorosa through our Lord’s passion. This service is about 30-40 minutes, all ages are welcome in this participatory journey of Scripture and prayer.
Confessions | 12.30–3.00p
Fr James and Fr Rob will be available for drop-in Confession. Fr James will be in the Nave, Fr Rob will be in the Choir Room. If the doors are shut to either, please wait in the Narthex. The brief liturgy for confession is found in the prayer book, pg. 223.
Good Friday Service | 7.00p
On Good Friday, we commemorate Christ’s death and we intercede for the world because of his work on the cross. This service will be a little longer than an hour, with music, but with darkness as well. We will have the opportunity to venerate the Cross and to receive presanctified Communion. Nursery care available for age 0–4.
march 30 holy saturday
Holy Saturday Office | 9.00a
A short service of Scripture, a sermon, and prayer with the Great Litany to commemorate Christ’s time in the tomb. No music or childcare.
Easter Vigil | 7.30p
The Easter Vigil is a service recalling all of salvation history, culminating in a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The service this year includes Holy Communion, Baptisms, and a loud Easter Acclamation and tintinnabulation. Nursery care available for age 0–4. Don’t forget your bells and shakers!
Easter Feast | 9.00p
Join us in the Undercroft as we break our Lenten fasts together in our first celebration of Easter! If you are able, please bring an appetizer, a dessert, or a bottle of wine to share.
march 31 easter sunday
Easter Morning Holy Communion | 6.30a, 8.30a, 10.45a
On Easter Sunday morning, we will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. We begin with a loud Easter acclamation and tintinnabulation. Don’t forget your bells and shakers!
The 6:30a will be a simple, said sunrise service with Communion.
The 8:30a and 10:45a will offer hymns and music. These services will also have children’s programming available through 3rd grade.
At 9:45a, we will offer coffee & refreshments, but no Education & Formation (no Sunday School nor Catechesis).