Extraordinary Time Banner Triptych

This week, we return to Ordinary Time. We count the Sundays in order through the end of the Church Year, and then we begin again at Advent. For All Souls, 2020 became known as Coronatide. As we journeyed through Lent, through the Easter Season, to Pentecost and beyond, we sometimes referred to that year’s Ordinary […]

the sign of the cross

a liturgical note from Fr James Arcadi What? A bodily gesture that expresses that we belong to God Why? As Christians we stand under the sign of the cross. Baseball players wear a logo on their hat, some gangs have hand signs, some countries or clubs have other gestures to show allegiance. Our sign of […]

The Feast of Perpetua & Felicitas: March 7

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator In Lent, we remember our bodies are a place where we can encounter the Lord. We see differently, with a new crucifix and different colors around the nave. We hear differently, with more silence in worship and a crotalus (the wooden knocker) instead of bells. […]

the gospel of Blessing

reflections from Fr. Rob on World Mission Sunday Last Monday I responded to a call for help from our friend, Chris Morgan. He had some friends who had run out of gas to run the generator to heat their trailer, and asked if I would fill up several gas canisters. I followed Chris in his […]

generators for Ukraine

news from Roy & Agnieszka Stiff We are approaching the grim one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine. When Russia first attacked Ukraine, most of the world recoiled and immediately began to respond with outrage, sympathy and support.  As the war has dragged on into a relentless battle of attrition, it has shifted to the […]

The Feast of Santa Lucia: December 13

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator Lucia of Syracuse (c. 283-304 ACE) was born into a wealthy family, bestowed with beauty and a winning personality. Her advantages could have led to an easy life, but her faith in Christ compelled Lucia to choose differently. She lived in danger because the Roman […]

The Feast of St. Nicholas: December 6

a blog post from Melody Schwarting, Children’s Sunday School Coordinator St Nicholas’s secret distribution of gifts has captured our imaginations for nearly 1,700 years. Nicholas lived in the late 200s to the mid 300s ACE. His hometown, Myra (now Demre in Turkey) was in the Roman Empire in his lifetime. After he took holy orders, […]

a tree for Outreach

a blog post with a giving idea for Advent 2022 All Souls has a long-standing connection with Outreach, a local Christian organization, whose mission is to “transform lives and communities by creating opportunities where barriers exist; by loving our neighbors in word and deed; and by shining the light of hope on all peoples’ God-given […]

Welcome to America!

a blog post from Monica LaBrot, All Souls’ Welcome Pack Coordinator “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world…I was a stranger and you invited me in.’” Matthew 25:34-35 All Souls […]

Not so ordinary.

a liturgical note from Deacon Mary Baker You may have noticed that our liturgical colors have changed to green. Green is the seasonal color for the church season called Ordinary Time. Like me you might associate ordinary with boring, but this is not the case here!  Ordinary. Not ordinary. The word ordinary does not refer […]