Catechesis at All Souls
Fall 2024
The Worship-Shaped Life: Spiritual Practices in Anglican Worship
Our Fall Catechesis Series focuses on the particular ways we as Anglicans worship, and how this worship transforms us. In our Eucharistic worship, we experience the gift of grace and Christ’s presence, and we in turn respond in a variety of liturgical actions such as praise, confession, attention to Scripture, intercession, receiving the sacraments, as well as experiencing time within the seasons that envelop our celebrations.
Our worship shapes us as these practices begin to spill over into our everyday lives. We are learning how to be disciples of Christ through our embodied worship. Our Sunday worship is a training ground for life—as we offer ourselves in worship to the God who desires to transform us and feed us with his love.
Our series probes the nature of these practices within our Eucharistic worship. You will note that the topics loosely follow the path of worship we take each Sunday morning. Join us to learn more about the theology and intent of Eucharistic worship so as to deepen your experience of it.
September 15
Fr James Arcadi
September 29
Fr James & Megan Lynch
December 8
Denise Milliner & Sarah Cornwell