Catechesis at All Souls
Epiphany 2025
Dwelling in Christ Together: A Study of I Corinthians
The church at Corinth was beset with scandal, factions, and sin. At the root of it all, was pride and immaturity. Many of those in the congregation thought they had it right: on doctrine, on the role of wealth and class, what ”correct” worship consisted of, and which leader was the best teacher to follow. A gnostic emphasis on “being spiritual” had led to immorality.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Yes, the issues facing the church today are not dissimilar from those encountered by the Corinthians. In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul shows us how to address the myriad of issues that threaten both the unity and mission of the church through the lens of the gospel.
Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth remains a highly practical and applicable epistle that has classic expressions of important theological themes. Throughout our series we will discuss not only the historical and cultural context of ancient Corinth and the specific issues they were encountering; but also the specific ways in which the church today and All Souls specifically can learn and be strengthened in Christ through Paul’s exhortation.
January 26
Annual Parish Meeting
February 9
Dcn Mary Baker
February 16
The Purpose of the Body:
I Corinthians 9; 11:2–16; 12–13
Aaron Hill
February 23
Speaking with the Spirit:
I Corinthians 14:1–15:28
Laura Howard
March 2
Unified in Bodily Resurrection:
I Corinthians 15:29–16:24
Patrick Egan