ways we gather, ways we serve
This page is a comprehensive list of all the official ways that we gather together and serve at our church. This is the best place to find out how to get involved at All Souls!
Fr James Arcadi, Rector
Our worship services are traditional and highly participatory. We sing hymns with a pipe organ and have lots of congregational call and response. It looks very formal, yet it is accessible to any and all that want to join in.
Dorel Marchis
Our ushers help bring us into worship on Sundays by handing out bulletins and assisting people in finding seats. They collect the offering and do other small tasks that—while behind the scenes—are imperative to allowing us to come into the presence of God each week.
Kathy Green
Our choir practices weekly before the 10:45 service during the school year and offers praise to God in song during the Offertory.
readers, chalicers, and acolytes
Brad Cathey
Our liturgical service is a manifestation of our community together: lay volunteers carry in the cross, candles, and Gospel, read the scriptures and the Prayers of the People, and help distribute communion.
liturgical arts
Melinda Mahoney
Our liturgical arts team functions as our altar guild, assisting clergy by preparing the elements, vessels, and linens for communion. They also coordinate seasonal flowers and decorations for our worship space and set up the altar for all eucharistic services.
care ministries
Ann McCarthy
All Souls has a number of ways that we care for our own community in body, mind, and spirit. Read more >
prayer chain
Ann McCarthy & Elizabeth Roberts
It is our privilege to raise one another’s prayers not just on Sunday, but throughout our week. This confidential email chain is dedicated to pray alongside our church family for any need that arises. No need to go anywhere—this is an opportunity to serve from your own home!
soul food
Katie Schroeder
Our Soul Food ministry offers a chance to provide members of our All Souls family with a meal when they need it most: usually after surgery, a loss, or when welcoming a new life into the world. Once a need is made known, you will receive an email asking for meals on the appropriate dates and essential information such as any known allergies. You volunteer to bring a meal. Then you deliver the food. It’s that simple!
stephen ministry
Fr Rob Lewis & Ann McCarthy
Stephen Ministry provides trained lay people to walk alongside those who are experiencing difficulties, such as grief, divorce, job loss, or illness. We offer confidential, nonjudgmental care for however long it may be needed.
hands for souls
Melody Schwarting
Hands for Souls is a ministry that makes small (or large) items of comfort for people in our community (prayer shawls, chemo caps, scarves, small simple blankets or quilts), with crafty hands and lots of prayers. We meet once a month to knit, sew, crochet, pray and talk.
through the roof
Caris Wood
Our special needs ministry assures everyone is welcomed to All Souls. Children are welcomed to participate in Education, Worship, and Fellowship by partnering with families to strategize how best to meet their child’s needs. This has included assistive devices, classroom “aides” and Shepherds for worship. Adults are welcomed in numerous ways, including chair lifts to get up and down in our building to accommodations and assistive devices so they are able to participate in worship and education to the fullest extent possible.
eucharistic visitation
Fr Rob Lewis
For the Souls who cannot make it to our doors on Sunday morning, we extend our reach by bringing the Eucharist to them. It is a beautiful time of worship that includes a short service as well as the opportunity to share fellowship and conversation with those who would, but can’t, be with us on Sunday mornings. This ministry is open to all who would to would desire to share the gift of communion to those who cannot be with us on Sunday morning.
Jennifer Merck, Parish Life Facilitator
We desire to welcome those who are new, answer any questions about our community, and make sure all who are interested can be fully integrated into our church family. While you can participate fully in the worship and education of the All Souls community without becoming a member, members have the privilege of voting at congregational meetings for vestry candidates, and in other ways helping to set the future direction of this congregation. For more information on ways to engage at All Souls and become a parishioner, click here.
seasons for souls
Denise Milliner
As an Anglican church, All Souls enjoys structuring its community life around the church year. We do this through our Fellowship Hour after most services and receptions after special events like baptisms and confirmations. We do this through community meals and gatherings such as apple picking in the fall and soup suppers throughout the year. And we do this through our church-year feasts and celebrations, such as the Commemoration of All Souls and the Feasts of St. Nicholas, Epiphany, and Candlemas.
community formation
Dcn Mary Baker
At All Souls, we call spiritual formation community formation. We need each other to fulfill the divine mandate to be formed into the image of Christ. Read more >
house groups
House Groups meet for this purpose: to break bread together, to share our journeys, to pray together, and to find ways of doing mission together.
adult catechesis
We study so we can worship God more richly, obey Him more consistently, and make the Good News of Jesus Christ known to others. Our adult catechesis classes seek to create a community of lifelong spiritual learners. Read more >
Several times a year, we offer off-site overnight retreats to allow parishioners to engage in this ancient spiritual practice.
small gatherings
We offer several types of groups that meet regularly for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Read more >
women’s bible study
Ann McCarthy
The Women’s Bible Study group is made up of women of all ages and varying life experiences. What we share in common is a desire to earnestly engage in the study of God’s Word with lively discussion, thoughtful reflection, and prayer. We meet once a week via Zoom at 10:00a on Fridays throughout the year.
men’s morning prayer
Doug Zimmerman
We are a lively intergenerational gathering of men who meet each Saturday at 8.00a for Morning Prayer, with breakfast at a local restaurant immediately following. Come for one or both.
film nights
Micah Clark & Peter Mayer
We meet in the Undercroft for a Film Night several times a year. This is a great informal opportunity to get to know the Souls. Watch a movie. Enjoy some snacks or bring your own. Discuss the movie and end the evening with movie trivia and prizes!
all souls book group
Dcn Mary Baker
Our Book Group for men and women meets occasionally to discuss a current book and the faith issues it poses.
youth ministry
David Szomor, Curate
Our youth ministry aims to help middle school and high school students live abundantly by forming their identities in Christ. We do this through studies and conversations within our own group, as well as connecting students to the church at large. Read more >
children’s ministries
Sarah Cornwell, Director of Children’s Ministries
We partner with families to nurture their children and to help children know and worship God, understand His Word, live like His Son, share His love with friends and others, and grow into life-long followers of Jesus Christ. Read more >
Kristin Frost, Nursery Coordinator
The goal of our Nursery is to provide a nurturing environment where our youngest children can feel safe and become comfortable being at church with their families. During the worship services we sing songs, tell a Bible story, and pray.
sunday school
Sienna Urbanski, Sunday School Coordinator
Sunday School–during catechesis hour– is an opportunity for children to explore the stories of the Bible and learn the basics of the Christian faith each Sunday during the school year.
children’s worship
Hannah Bramsen
Children’s Worship allows our children to listen and respond to God’s stories and develop a life of prayer. With our Sprouts Atrium, our liturgy is music-based and surrounds a series of core biblical stories. We tell God’s stories with our older children as the core of our worship time and surround them by an abbreviated Anglican liturgy.
Sarah Cornwell, Director of Children’s Ministries
Treehouse is an opportunity for older elementary-aged children to gather outside of church. Our focus is on the outside world — God’s Creation, His Kingdom, and how Kids can be On Mission.
souls on mission
Fr Rob Lewis
The goal of Souls on Mission is to help the All Souls community become the hands and feet of Jesus as we care for the least among us in our local community and serve international ministries which carry the Gospel around the world. Read more >
exodus world service
Monica LaBrot
When a refugee family arrives in Chicago, a resettlement agency matches the family with an apartment and sets it up with furniture. Through Exodus World Service, churches like All Souls provide a ‘Welcome to America’ pack containing food staples, blankets, pillows, pots & pans, and other essentials. All Souls provides this gift of hospitality and love in the name of Jesus.
kenya children’s fund (kcf)
Kathy Cathey
All Souls sponsors 10 kids in the slum of Dandora in Nairobi, Kenya. Dandora is built on the Nairobi city dump, and the children face the challenges of extreme poverty, a toxic environment, and high crime rates. Our sponsorship gives them an excellent education at Kinyago-Dandora Secondary School, 2 nutritious meals a day, free medical care, and ultimately–hope. You can help by writing to one of our students, sponsoring your own child, making a donation, or praying for the kids. Read more >